“Less handling – less contamination.” Everything in our production facilities is designed to reduce the microbial load of the materials prior to their sterilization.

This is a fundamental principle in the fight against nosocomial infections and a fundamental and critical quality criteria that Fapomed meets and requires daily.

We guarantee security in bio-compatibility of materials used in our products, and ensure a complete traceability of our products from the beginning of the production process until placing the product on the market.

Being assured that we met all necessary conditions for manufacture Single Use Medical Devices, Fapomed has opened its doors to inspection visits and study on the part of operating room nurses and medical staff of hospitals in several countries, which we have listened carefully and with whom we have developed and created new solutions, thus responding more effectively to their needs and requests.

Coupled with compliance and resilience of the criteria required in the manufacture of our products, Fapomed has yet particular care to the environment and the impact it has on it.

Aware that drinking water has been fast becoming a scarce commodity, we recycle waste poly-olefins of laboring with the materials used in our products, which are re-used in the production chain, thus avoiding the contamination of watercourses and consequently water tables in the subsoil.

We believe that values such as quality, safety and respect for the environment can go hand in hand in the entire production process of a company, and that’s how Fapomed works daily, conscious that its footprint in the world is smaller, but the respect large, not only by its customers but also with the society where it belongs.