Bio&Physics Lab® was implemented in Fapomed facilities in order to meet the competitive market in which it operates.
It has an infrastructure with adequate laboratory capacity to perform physical and microbiology tests, equipped with air conditioning and physical facilities that meet the requirements of international standards.
It carries out tests that act in the areas of raw materials in the field of medical devices, qualifying production processes, ultrasound material joints and packaging, all in the context of physical and microbiological tests described in the standards that they are allocated with, in exceptional situations of lack of laboratory capacity in the area where the service is required.
Bio & Physics Lab® always tries to practice the best accuracy levels and lower uncertainties associated with experimental procedures, making the physical and microbiological testing an important tool in the task itself assigned – infection control, and protection of the patient and hospital staff.
Our team
Quality Department responsible: Engª. Alexandra Coelho
Head of Laboratory: Engª. Sónia Sousa
Running daily from 8:30 am to 13:00 pm and 14:00 pm to 17:30 pm