Focused on customer satisfaction and manufacturing quality products, Fapomed doesn’t live thinking in awards, but it is always rewarding when we have recognition.

In addition to the awards, we value our past, live the present, and attack the future with determination and will. Below are some of the steps taken by Fapomed.

Attributed by Smith & Nephew

Jointly awarded by Bank B.N.U. and the IAPMEI

Jointly awarded by Bank B.N.U. and the IAPMEI

SME Excellence

Jointly awarded by Bank B.N.U. and the IAPMEI

SME Excellence

Jointly awarded by Bank B.N.U. and the IAPMEI

Exame Magazine

Classified 1st by Dun&Bradstreet in the ranking fir the best 1500 SME, makes the front page in the Magazine "Exame - Semanário Económico"

Award “Cliente Aplauso 2005”

Awarded jointly by bank Millenium B.C.P. and "Management School of Porto" from the University of Porto.

ward “Cliente Aplauso 2006”

Awarded jointly by bank Millenium B.C.P. and "Management School of Porto" from the University of Porto.

ward “Cliente Aplauso 2008”

Awarded jointly by bank Millenium B.C.P. and "Management School of Porto" from the University of Porto.

SME Leader

Distinction on performance quality and risk profile, granted under the Programme FINCRESCE

RTP-N - Radar de Negócios

Presented in TV programme "RTP-N Radar de Negócios" as an example of internationalization.

SME Leader

Distinction on performance quality and risk profile, granted under the Programme FINCRESCE

SME Leader

Distinction on performance quality and risk profile, granted under the Programme FINCRESCE

SME Leader

Distinction on performance quality and risk profile, granted under the Programme FINCRESCE

SME Leader

Distinction on performance quality and risk profile, granted under the Programme FINCRESCE

Fapomed - New Social Designation

In September 2015 Fapomed changes its corporate name, starting to be used/called as: Fapomed - Dispositivos Médicos, S.A.

New graphic image

A new image of the company starts in 2015. In mid-September was presented the new catalog Fapomed.

New Website Fapomed

Launch of new website Fapomed in early 2016.